Total supplier within the machining industry offering 100% precision of both items and delivery.

Keep track of your own production

Login directly into the NFI’s OKS-system (Operations Control Specification) and track your order through the production process and check the results of our ongoing testing and control of the items.


Fairs in 2025

Where can you meet us this year?

Herning, Denmark

30/09-02/10/2025: HI Industri, Stand 7272


11/11-13/11/2025: Elmia Subcontractor

NFI A/S ∙ Centervej Syd 1 ∙ DK-4733 Tappernøje ∙ Denmark ∙ Phone: +45 5577 0307 ∙ Fax +45 5577 0337

Dudal Webdesign